However, we are sometimes so used to seeing them around, that our mind becomes accustomed to their presence. Thus, they become nearly "invisible" to our eyes. Adding to this the fact that most people take safety for granted, it spells work accident all across. And this is when we overlook the fact that many safety signs around are so worn or vandalized that their purpose is all but lost.
So, it is urgent that organizations take measures to "refresh" these signs. Psychology has long given its contribute to this, by suggesting alterations that challenge our accustomed perceptions. As a result, some companies choose to alter the placement of the signs; others alter their colors; others yet use attention-seeking strategies. A police initiative, some time ago, that consisted in the placement of life-sized police-uniform-equipped dolls on the side of the road, to discourage speeders around road-side work-sites, is a personal favorite.
Other informations on Psychology can be found at (a site on psychology applied to daily life).
Be creative, be aware, be safe.
Motorcycle accident or car accident are the common accident that can happen on the road, why? Here are some reasons: disobeying traffic rules, not following traffic signs, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and many more. In this case, motorcycle accident solicitors, usually handles this. They have the knowledge and understanding and the ability to win the case.